Based on the following five principles, we at the OSP Group will comply with all relevant laws, ethics and business rules, and act fairly and with social conscience.
We also declare that we will strive to pursue fair profits through fair competition and continue to earn the trust and support of all stakeholders as a company that is beneficial to society and the environment.
1.The OSP Group strives to provide society with safe, high-value-added products and services and to be trusted by all stakeholders in the market.
2. The OSP Group will not manufacture products that violate social ethics. In addition, we will engage in fair, transparent and free competition and will not have any contact with any interested parties that may hinder this.
3. The OSP Group will strive to disclose information to all stakeholders in a timely, appropriate and fair manner.
4. The OSP Group strives to conserve resources and energy, provide environmentally friendly products, and strives to protect the global environment and conserve resources.
5. The OSP Group respects the individuality and human rights of all its members and strives to ensure a safe and disciplined working environment in which they can demonstrate their autonomy and creativity.
In order to put our company management philosophy and environmental philosophy into practice, we at the OSP Group have established the following specific matters to be observed in each aspect of our business activities.
All officers and employees of the OSP Group will act in accordance with these standards.
The OSP Group is deeply aware that a company is a member of society, and in order to thoroughly conduct fair and transparent business activities, we will faithfully comply with relevant laws, regulations, internal company rules, etc., and strive to establish high corporate ethics that will earn the trust and support of all people.
(1) Production and technological activities (research, development, technology, manufacturing)
In its production and technological activities, the OSP Group strives to develop better products that realize quality, performance, safety, design, ease of use, price, and environmental friendliness from the customer's perspective.
In addition to complying with all applicable laws and regulations, we will also strive to operate safely and prevent accidents and disasters by conducting production activities that are considerate of the global environment under appropriate production and quality control in order to steadily supply the market with highly reliable products.
(2) Sales activities (orders and sales)
In our sales activities, the OSP Group will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and contracts, and will strive to contribute to society through fair and free competition in order to gain customer satisfaction and trust through consistently providing superior products and appropriate services. In order to earn the trust and meet the expectations of our customers, we will strive to respond honestly, accurately, appropriately and promptly to any inquiries, requests or complaints regarding our products and services.
Furthermore, we will not accept orders for products that violate corporate ethics or that are suspected of doing so.
(3) Procurement Activities
In its procurement activities, OSP Group will comply with relevant domestic and international laws and social norms, faithfully fulfill contractual obligations with suppliers, conduct transactions in accordance with sound business practices, and procure after fair evaluation and selection according to objective criteria such as safety, quality, environmental conservation, price, service, and delivery date based on the principle of free competition. When procuring from suppliers around the world from an international perspective, we will ensure transparency of the supply chain and procure from the most suitable region so as not to contribute to or contribute to problems such as human rights violations and environmental destruction, including in related countries.
Additionally, we will not accept requests or offers of inappropriate personal benefits from suppliers in connection with business operations.
(4) Advertising and promotional activities
In its promotional activities, including corporate advertising, product advertising, and recruitment advertising, the OSP Group will comply with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, and corporate ethics, eliminate false or exaggerated expressions, and take great care to avoid social discrimination and human rights violations, and will use fair, accurate, and appropriate information, content, and expressions.
The OSP Group refers to all stakeholders who have an interest in its business activities, including customers, shareholders, business partners, local communities, the environment, and employees, as "stakeholders," and we strive to build and maintain fair, honest, and trusting relationships with them.
(1) Customers
The OSP Group always puts itself in the customer's shoes and strives to provide safe, environmentally friendly, high-value-added products and services at reasonable prices through optimal problem-solving methods that are useful to the customer.
(2) Shareholders
The OSP Group will continue to further strengthen and improve its corporate structure, and will endeavor to establish a stable management foundation and improve business performance by observing relevant laws and regulations such as the Companies Act and corporate ethics from a long-term perspective, rather than seeking short-term profits.
In addition, in order to fulfill our accountability to shareholders, we will disclose accurate corporate information such as our management policies and performance through our "Business Report" and strive to gain their understanding and trust regarding the OSP Group's future business activities.
(3) Business partners
The OSP Group respects each other's status, rights, and interests in its relationships with business partners from whom it procures goods and services, and strives to maintain long-term, stable relationships of trust. In transactions, the OSP Group strives to maintain fair and healthy relationships based on contracts that comply with relevant laws and regulations and good business practices while maintaining fair and healthy relationships.
(4) Local communities
The OSP Group aims to be a company that contributes to the local community as a good corporate citizen by harmonizing interests with the local community through communication with the local community.
The OSP Group respects the individuality and basic human rights of each employee and strives to provide equal employment opportunities. We do not engage in discriminatory language or behavior with respect to gender, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, social status, disability, etc., and we do not employ anyone under coercion or against their will, or employ children.
The OSP Group regards its employees, who are the driving force behind the company, as its "human assets." In order to solve social issues through its business, the OSP Group aims to develop its human resources through the provision of various specialized knowledge and training necessary for each employee to work on their own initiative, improve their individual capabilities, find their work rewarding, and grow as a person through their work, as well as through education for future leaders.
The OSP Group will not accept or give bribes, bid rigging, price cartels, price fixing, fictitious transactions, or any other violation of related laws and regulations or business ethics.
Furthermore, when competing with other companies, we will not slander, libel, interfere with their business, or engage in any other unfair practices.
We recognize that the products we provide place a burden on the environment during the manufacturing, use and disposal processes, and we consider it our social responsibility to reduce this environmental burden.
We clarify our "environmental philosophy," which defines our approach to the environment, and in the unlikely event that we find that our business activities may have a negative impact on the global environment, we will do our utmost to resolve the issue.
In order to fulfill its social responsibility to supply various products, the OSP Group assumes emergency situations related to its business activities (earthquakes, storms, floods and other natural disasters, fires, accidents, etc.) and analyzes the impact on business continuity. It then formulates a business continuity policy and manual based on the BCMS and conducts drills to prepare for early recovery from incidents.
We will also endeavor to prepare measures such as establishing a communication system within the supply chain and securing alternative products in the event that raw materials, etc. become difficult to obtain.
At the OSP Group, we recognize that occupational safety is the basis and prerequisite for production activities. We therefore prioritize ensuring the safety and health of all workers and thoroughly comply with all safety and health-related laws and regulations in order to create a safe and lively working environment.
In addition, in order to prevent industrial accidents and illnesses, maintain and improve health, and ensure traffic safety in vehicle operation, we will identify risk factors in each workplace and take physical measures, and strive to promote, raise awareness, and educate employees on safety initiatives through the Safety and Health Committee.
At OSP Group, we strive to create a fair and cheerful workplace where everyone respects each other's individuality, without engaging in slander or exaggeration of employees, such as sexual harassment or power harassment, or violence or other actions that ignore the individual's individuality. We also strive to create a harassment-free workplace by deepening understanding of the need to prevent harassment and the efforts required by law through harassment prevention training in the workplace.
(1) Eliminating ties with antisocial forces
The OSP Group will not have any relationship with antisocial forces or organizations that pose a threat to the order or safety of civil society, and will not respond to any unjust or illegal demands, whatever the pretext.
(2) Thorough implementation of relevant laws and regulations within the company
The OSP Group will proactively collect information on relevant laws and regulations necessary for business activities and strive to understand and disseminate such information.
The OSP Group will not abuse its position in the business to request inappropriate money, goods, entertainment, etc. from business partners, nor will it provide any inappropriate benefits or conveniences to them.
The OSP Group will comply with relevant laws and regulations, conduct proper accounting procedures, and submit accounting reports.
(1) Management of company assets
The OSP Group will properly manage company assets, whether tangible or intangible, in accordance with prescribed rules in order to carry out business efficiently, and will not use such assets for personal or other non-business purposes.
(2) Respect for intellectual property rights
The OSP Group strives to protect and secure our intellectual property rights (patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights, portrait rights, etc.), and grants rights to third parties in accordance with appropriate rules.
We will fully respect the intellectual property rights of third parties and will not infringe or misappropriate them.
(1) Management of corporate information
The OSP Group will clarify its "Information Security Policy" regarding confidential corporate information acquired through the work of its clients, strictly manage such information, and will not disclose or leak such information to third parties or use it improperly or in an unlawful manner.
In addition, we will not obtain corporate information about customers or business partners through illegal means, nor will we use corporate information learned in the course of business for purposes other than legitimate purposes. In particular, we will not engage in insider trading based on undisclosed company information.
(2) Protection of Personal Information
The OSP Group fully recognizes the importance of protecting privacy when acquiring and handling personal information, and complies with the Personal Information Protection Act, the My Number Act, and other related laws and regulations and rules that must be followed. It has clarified its "Personal Information Protection Policy," which outlines the approach each group company takes toward personal information, and positions it as a matter to be aware of in the course of daily business operations, ensuring thorough safety management.
(1) Establishment of an internal reporting system
In order to strengthen compliance management, OSP Group will set up an "internal reporting system" in each group company and establish a mechanism for the appropriate handling of consultations or reports from employees regarding organizational and individual violations of laws and regulations, thereby aiming for early detection and correction of misconduct, etc.
(2) Ensuring Code of Conduct
OSP Group will strive to ensure that all officers and employees, as members of the OSP Group, adhere to the rules of the "Corporate Code of Conduct" and practice them with a sense of awareness, taking advantage of every opportunity, including daily work, various meetings, and training, to ensure that these codes are fully understood and practiced.
Any behavior that significantly violates this Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the work regulations of each Group company.
(1) Human Rights
The OSP Group supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and will not be complicit in any human rights violations.
(2) Labor
OSP Group supports the freedom of association and the effective recognition of collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor, the effective abolition of child labor, and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
(3) Environment
OSP Group supports a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, embraces initiatives for greater environmental responsibility, and encourages the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
(4) Anti-corruption
OSP Group is committed to combating corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
Date enacted: October 21, 2021
Last revised on July 27, 2023
OSP Group
Representative: Matsuguchi Tadashi